The Interface Design of Photograph Transmitter and IBM PC/ XT 相片传真机与IBMPc/XT的接口设计
Investigation of the System Connecting the IBM PC/ XT Microcomputer with CF-920 Signal Analyzer IBMPc/XT微机与CF-920信号分析仪联机研究
An IBM PC/ XT computer controlled autocorrelator and datum acquisition processing system IBMPc/XT计算机控制精密光学自相关器和实验数据采集与处理自动化系统
This paper deals with a Computer aided design system for circuit layout and presents a mathematical model of circuit layout design and its implementation on IBM PC/ XT. 作者研究一个在IBMPc/XT型微型计算机上实现的计算机辅助电路布图设计系统。提出了电路布图设计的数学模型;
A Chinese character chromatographic workstation developed on the basis of IBM PC/ XT/ AT microcomputer is described. 本文论述了在IBMPc系列微机上发展的通用汉字色谱工作站。
In this paper, an IBM PC/ XT computer controlled autocorrelator and datum acquisition processing system for measurements of picosecond and femtosecond pulses and dynamic processes is described. 本文介绍一种用于皮秒和飞秒级超短激光脉冲和激光与物质相互作用的超快过程测量的IBMPc/XT计算机控制精密光学自相关器和实验数据采集与处理自动化系统。
The computer modelling is accomplished in the use of microcomputer IBM PC/ XT. 计算机模拟在微机IBMPc/XT上进行。
The model has been realized in an IBM PC/ XT computer. 模型在IBMPc/XT微计算机上实现。
An expert system, run on the IBM PC/ XT with programs in prolog language, has been worked out. 根据这个模型制作了一个用于选择焊接方法的计算机专家系统,这个系统在IBMPc/XT机上运行,其源程序用PROLOG语言编写。
This paper briefly described the principle how an IBM PC/ XT's hard-disk works and the hard-disk ROM BIOS. The failure messages for hard-disk were analysed in detail, commonly used methods for diagnosing hard-disk failture are presented. 本文简要地介绍了IBMPc/XT的硬盘工作原理和硬盘ROMBIOS,对硬盘故障信息进行了详尽的分析。
To implement this algorithm about 400 items Fortran program is used on IBM PC/ XT machine. 在IBMPc/XT机上用大约四百条Fortran程序实现了这一算法。
All the test procedures are under the supervision of a microcomputer IBM PC/ XT. 整个试验过程在微机IBM&PC/XT控制下自动完成。
The paper presents a harness-sparing design for crepe weave implemented onan IBM PC/ XT. 本文介绍了绉组织省综设计在IBMPc/XT微机上的实现。
The software system of popularized education evaluation developed on the microcomputer IBM PC/ XT and its compatible machines, is the computer application software of education evaluation. “普通教育评价软件系统”是一个在微型计算机IBMPC/XT及其兼容机上开发的教育评价计算机应用软件。
Such methods as structured system analysis/ design and structured programming are applied to all the designs for the system, It is implemented on an IBM PC/ XT microcomputer as supported by DBASE III. 在设计中,采用了结构化方法(即结构化分析、结构化设计和结构程序设计)。本系统是在IBMPc/XT微型计算机上,在DBASEⅢ的支持下实现的。
The phagaquosonogram digital analysis system based on IBM PC/ XT microcomputer is described in this paper. 本文介绍了由PC/XT微机构成的吞水音信号数字分析系统。
This paper introduces a computer-aided education system with graphics function established on IBM PC/ XT computer. 本文介绍的JYSJ系统是在IBMPc/XT机上开发的一个带有图形功能的辅助教学软件包。
A new generation of integrated software system is developed for microcomputers, such as IBM PC/ XT/ AT or other compatibles. 该系统是微机上的新一代集成系统,可以在IBMPc/AT/XT及其兼容机上运行。
All the testing procedures are under the supervision of a IBM PC/ XT microcomputer. 整个测试过程受IBMPc/XT微型计算机的控制。
The design of the generation of code for IBM pc/ XT is introduced. 本文介绍IBMPc/XT机的代码生成器的设计。
At present, the PDI can run on IBM PC/ XT and its compatible microcomputers and has been successfully transplanted to DUAL 68000 microcomputer ( printing only). 目前,PDI可以在IBM&PC/XT及其兼容机上运行并已成功地移植到DUAL68000微型机上(仅打印图形)。
The system has run on IBM PC/ XT computer with satisfactory results. 经在IBMPc/XT机上运行得到了比较满意的结果。
The optimal design for the basic elements of this mechanism has been realized by using a IBM PC/ XT microcomputer. 在IBMPc/XT计算机上实现了对该机构基本参数的优化设计。
On Application of An Updated FORTRAN Compiler and the 8087 Coprocessor to IBM PC/ XT Computer IBMPc/XT微型机FORTRAN新版编译程序和8087协处理器的应用
A database management system of lung diseases was successfully designed on the IBM PC/ XT computer. 作者在IBMPC/XT微机上研制成功了肺病数据库管理系统。